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When we think about issues with South Korea, the first thing we Japanese should understand is the nature of the Moon  administration.

In the midst of the presidential election, Moon had advocated "dispensing" and "reviewing history. "The word "dispensing" means "dispensing of long-term accumulated evils" in the dictionary, but the premise of "dispensing" and "reviewing history" was "mistaken." What I'm doing is right."

That's why the government of Moon has the idea that "they are right and the other person is wrong" to any problem. Therefore, the problems of recruiters and comfort women have repeatedly turned the conclusions of past administrations into "mistakes" and broken them down altogether.

Moon has been arrested during his student days in the democratization struggle against the military regime.Later, he worked as a human rights lawyer, and during that time, he was a senior of the same law firm, Mr. Roh Moo-hyun. When Roh Moo-hyun later entered politics and became president,  Moon also joined BLUE HOUSE .While  Roh Moo-hyun strongly expressed his political stance against North Korea and anti-U.S. Japan during his presidency,  Moon's point is exactly the same.

At a press conference earlier this year, President  Moon told the past, "Japan should be more humble."

This statement also caused a great backlash in Japan, but this clearly shows the character of the Moon government." Be modest," said he, "you guys, don't try to admit our mistakes yet? Be more humble and listen to me." This is the essence of the Moon administration.

I'd like to ask Korean people. Where are you going to go?

¡¡Young people with 800 and 900 TOEIC scores should be able to gain a variety of international sensibilities. In fact, Koreans' enthusiasm for studying abroad is remarkable. Looking at the number of foreigners educated at U.S. universities from 2015 to 2016, Korea ranks fourth with about 61,000, while the number of Japanese is less than 20,000 (United States Department of Education and Culture).I don't know if the Korean people's positive attitude is great or if the Japanese are inward-looking, but considering that the population of Japan is 2.5 times larger than that of Korea, Koreans are eight times that of Japanese studying at American.
Hopefully, we can re-examine Korea objectively with the feeling that we have gained. If you're out there, you'll never know that the world is not moving at all by Korean logic.

Sometimes the truth is not one thing, but the same thing can have different facial expressions depending on the direction it sees.
I look at Park's different expression on his face, which most Koreans have only tried to look at in the same direction, and have given up a confession. Finally, I would like to defend her.
The Korean judiciary will decide whether Park committed the crime. However, I cannot believe that Park was a villain.
¡¡There must have been some failures in former President Park. For some reason, it is no use blame to have made room for distrust and loneliness in so few people, and to have missed what happened there.

¡¡However, I knew that Park had survived her difficult life and still loved her country . She was not a politician for money, he was not approached by financial conglomerates for bribes, and was trying to fight alone against evil.
For her own sake, he should have been investigated by the prosecution while he was in office, and he would have been more sympathetic to admit his guilt and express his apology .However, he refused to admit his guilt. This may be because of the belief that I am not doing bad things.
My chest hurt. Even if he is dressed in prison, he can only support his last pride.
¡¡Park Geun-hye, who worked as a diplomat, lived in patriotism, pride, and lost his life to make a country he loved.

Those who overthrew the Park Geun-hye administration were smiling. However, considering the magnitude of what Korea will lose in the future, I feel gloomy.
You must say that bad things are bad. But not everything that a bad person did isn't bad.

What will happen to President Moon Jein face in Korea, three years later and four years later?
Koreans chose a government that would live in a fantasy world, promise unrealistic policies without knowing the economy, and take no risks in diplomacy, security, or risk.
If this is the result of democracy, it is the responsibility of voters to look into the future and calmly evaluate it. Will he let his anger go, choose his government, and let his anger go, and let his anger go.
What's really important is to be angry, but at the same time, think, and choose the best and most realistic path. No politician in the world can use magic.

Koreans sometimes prefer self-depravation. If the U.S. and China decide the fate of the Korean Peninsula and Japan's Self-Defense Forces train with the U.S. in case of emergency on the Korean Peninsula, Koreans and Korean media often could not join the talks.
I wonder what you're saying now. You should stop it now.

It's not that we should forget history. At least today, the Republic of Korea exists in the history of the Korean Peninsula at the highest relative presence in the world . Despite all the problems, it is the efforts of the Korean people to grow Korea.
To my eyes, it seems that the Korean people themselves are the ones who have driven Korea to ruin.
What about a fever? The defeat of the Park Geun-hye administration and the emergence of the Moon administration seems to have made the people unhappy for 12 years I saw.

¡¡Now, no matter what anyone says, Korea is a Korean. Therefore, don't blame anyone for your present troubles. The people as a whole must look at the reality and work out their wisdom to overcome this hardship.
I think, "I'm glad I wasn't born Korean," but I want people born in Korea to create Korea, which they feel was born in Korea.
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No. 3739  |  2019-08-13  |  hit : 2917
¹Ú´ëÅë·É źÇÙ ±¸¼Ó ÁÖ¹ü Ȳ±³¾È ±èÇö¿õ °­ÇüÁÖ ÀÌÁ¤¿¬ ±è¼ö³²
No. 3738  |  2019-08-13  |  hit : 1609
±³È¸¸¦ ¹ÏÁö¸¶¶ó! Â÷¶ó¸® µ¶½ÇÇÑ ±âµ¶±³ÀÎÀ» ãÀ¸¶ó!  (1)
No. 3737  |  2019-08-12  |  hit : 2523
¹Ì±¹¹æÀå°ü Çѱ¹¹æ¹®¶§...Áö¼Ò¹Ì¾Æ Æó±â½Ã Çѹ̵¿¸í ³¡³­´Ù°í ¸»ÇÔ.
No. 3736  |  2019-08-12  |  hit : 1936
¸ù°ñÁ¦±¹ - ½Ä¹ÎÁö ±Ù´ëÈ­·Ð ¸Â½À´Ï´Ù  (1)
No. 3735  |  2019-08-12  |  hit : 2135
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No. 3734  |  2019-08-12  |  hit : 2492
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No. 3733  |  2019-08-12  |  hit : 1373
Á¶°©Á¦°¡ ¾´ Á¾ºÏ¹é°ú»çÀü
No. 3732  |  2019-08-12  |  hit : 1743
8.15³¯ Çà»ç°ÇÀÇ
No. 3731  |  2019-08-12  |  hit : 1677
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